All training is 100% subsidized by the government!

In fact, since 2022 the government has implemented a financial assistance program qui nous permet de vous offrir les formations gratuitement! Vous pouvez donc suivre notre programme de formation d’une valeur totale de 1500$ without any charges et clés en main grâce à cette aide gouvernementale, et contribuer à garder nos plans d’eau sécuritaire ainsi que sauver des vies.


Formation en Sauvetage Intensive.

Prerequisites for the different courses

Here are the prerequisites necessary to register for the various courses offered:

  • Be at least 13 years old at the final exam or hold the Bronze Star certificate
  • Demonstrate Bronze Star skills and knowledge
  • *If you are a good swimmer and can demonstrate all the swimming styles and techniques at the Bronze Star level, then you can register for the Bronze Medal. An evaluation will be made during the first lessons.

Pour s’inscrire:Bronze medal

  • Have the Bronze Medallion certificate

Pour s’inscrire:Bronze Cross

  • Be 14 years or older

Pour s’inscrire: Emergency First Aid

  • Be at least aged 15 YEARS OLD AT THE FINAL EXAM
  • Hold the Bronze Cross certificate
  • Hold the First Aid – General/AED or Aquatic Emergency Care/AED certificate
  • For the Water Park option: hold the National Lifeguard – Swimming Pool certificate
  • For the oceanic beach option: hold the National Lifeguard – Continental Beach certificate

Pour s’inscrire: National Lifeguard - Pool

  • Be at least 15 years old on the last day of the course or exam
  • Hold the National Lifeguard – Swimming Pool certificate
  • Hold the First Aid – General certificate

Pour s’inscrire: National Lifeguard - Waterfront